Tuesday, May 5, 2015

David George & Bessie Pearl Mulkins (nee Porter)

Last month I stumbled across this golden anniversary certificate kind of awkwardly laid out on a table at an antique store. It was only $4, and I knew I had to buy it.

David George Mulkins was born April 20, 1879 to Joab & Margaret Isabel Mulkins (nee Creighton) in Franklin County, Iowa. September 15, 1909 he married Bessie Pearl Porter - born July 1886 to John & Ellen Porter (nee Towslee). They had 4 children - Guyida Pearl, Floyd David, Edith Lucille and Claude Russell. David died June 18, 1966 and Bessie died September 19, 1971.

Photo by Melissa Lively Sherry via FindAGrave.com

For some reason I've had a bit of difficulty finding much online about the family. I think Guyida is the only child with living descendants. I'm about 75% sure I've found the snail mail address for one of Guyida's children so I'll send a note off to them and see if they're interested in the certificate. Hopefully they still live there. And don't think I'm some weird stalker person.

Rosemarie Amelia Helfrich

This diploma is the main reason I started this blog 5 months ago. A friend of my mom's had been holding onto this diploma for years after her husband had found it in the attic of an house he used to live in in Pittsburgh. They took it with them when they moved to Arizona in hopes that they could one day send it back to Rosemarie's family.

I had only just started buying antique store photos when my mom brought this diploma over and asked me to see if I could find a relative who wanted it.

Rosemarie Amelia Helfrich was born February 1, 1901 in Pennsylvannia to parents Charles W Helfrich and Catherine G Emerich. She had a younger brother Raymond (born 1904). Rosemarie died unmarried March 15, 1997 in Sherman Oaks, California.

Her brother did marry and have children. In fact, right off I found her great niece on Ancestry, but she didn't want the diploma. Months went by and I had kinda put Rosemarie on the back burner until last week I decided to see if anybody had saved anything from my Antique Store Photo tree out on Ancestry. Which is how I got in contact with Rosemarie's 1st cousin 1x removed! A descendant of Catherine's sister Amelia happily agreed to take the orphaned diploma in.

It got mailed off on Monday.

I'm really happy I was finally able to find somebody who wanted the diploma. And best part is.... she had a photo of Rosemarie so I finally got to see the face of the woman whose college diploma has been sitting in my living room for months.

Rosemarie in 1996.
I bet she was a great lady. :)